"Build a tree, take the bush away from the tree!"
"Shave your bush to get rid of bad-politics herpes!"
"Bush is a vagina, heeeey, BUSH VAGINA!"
"Bush is like a bush, so make a tree, heeey!"
"Shave your president, save a tree/bush"
"Make bush with face!"
"Penis Cheney"
"Bake cheney cock penis bush!"
"Muffin Muffin George W. Bush (he likes 'em!)"
"Japanese Bush From Foreign"
"Nuclear Bush = big pussy yum yum!"
"Break the egg of menstruation from bush blood period tampoon!"
"What color is Bush? Red State, menstruation!"
"Is it any wonder that "this administration" sounds so much like "piss menstruation"?"
"Bush hates Faggots Niggers and Gooks, heeey plant a tree!"
"What's my favorite website? Pussy.Com=thewhitehouse.ORG, get it?"
"Bush loves Penis Chode = iraq ROCK HARD COCK bush penis chode"
"Or as I like to call them: iPod-ssibilities!"
"For Every dick cheney there's always a bush to plant a tree!"
"staple my scrotes to a dickler sack!"
"books are for gooks!"
"George W. Bush is from a village"
"Somewhere in texas a village is missing it's midgit"
"Somewhere in texas a village is missing it's poop-toilet"
"Somewhere in texas a village is missing it's childhood"
"Somewhere in texas a village is missing it's slavery."
"George W. Bush needs a fathah!"
"Has anyone seen my bumper sticker?"
"Bush = Poontang, Dick= Wang...WHERE'S MA HUMPS?!"
"Remember Ma humps? those were the days..."
"My lovely Lady trees...my lovely planting bush. my lovely lady bush plant. my lovely lady LUMP OH I KNOW, LAURA IS THE HUMP!"
"George W. Bush is a lumpah."
"I'm George W. Bush and I approve this massage. mmmm that feels like wharm apple paaaah"
"What is star wars? star trek! where's mah tree?"
"follow my car until I take a duMP!"
"George W. Bush is an alien from Pluuuutoooe"
"Vote GoerdubbaBuotc 2004!"
"I'm grge duba b ush. poop on me."