29 May 2008

Plot Twist

It turns out Megan is black. Phil could still be the father!

Plot Twist

The baby is black. That means Phil isn't the father.

28 May 2008

On The Road

Pulled over at a truck stop to give you this update. Baby's doing fine. Strapped face up in the back of the pick up. I feed the baby milk. Why not give him a whole cow, says Jimmy. Jimmy, I says, he can't handle solid foods yet. But the baby's so big we can't feed him milk, we run out of milk. Megan sits in the front, fawning over her beautiful baby boy. How fat you are, she says. Give him a cow, she says. But Megan! I says. She says: Theo, give him a cow or I'll shit the living beat out of you. So I buy a cow. It's easy, all I have to do is give him my three magic beans. We take the cow and shove it in the baby's mouth. It goes down like puddin.

Still can't think of the right name for the baby. Megan wants to call him MeatBall.

5 days till the wedding. Will we make it in time to stop Phil from marrying the bimbo and save the family fortune? Stay tuned.

Baby Update!

Its come to our attention the baby is a kinesthetic learner.

27 May 2008


The Unctuous Id would like to congratulate Megan Amram on having a baby. What a beautiful baby! If only we could share the baby without ripping it apart for everyone to each have a piece of the shared baby. No, it is as it stands, a beautiful 4523400 lb baby in a truck. We're gonna drive this baby all the way across the country to stop Phil from marrying that bimbo. We only have 6 days. Will we make it? Tune in to find out!

22 May 2008



I just wanted to let you know I had the baby, and mother and child are both doing fine ;) ;) 10,924 lbs. 4 oz. - what a labor, let me tell you!