31 March 2008

The Digital Generation

Ours is the digital generation. For example, I have an ipod. Did you know that my ipod is also a phone? This is why I call it an iphone: because it combines the best of both words: the ipod and the phone pod.

My phone pod can check mail. It can also check the message mail and the phone mail. It's a mail check device. It helps me a lot with checking mail. That's what a good device can do for you, it can check things. In the digital generation, devices are everywhere you look. A device here, a device there, checking things, making life better. You know what game is the game of the digital generation? Checkers. I mean, Taboo. Which is it? I forget. Let me check my phone pod!

Which leads us to one of phone pods greatest features: remembering things which you forgotted. Like where you put your emails. Oh there they are.

What does my emails say to me on this day? Well, phone pod arranges them in i-phabetical order (meaning i to z and then a to h after that). Here's an email from iMom. "I" Mom, How're you doing? Get it? iPhone automatically puts an i in front of every mail person, to make it more simpler to find them. And to make them feel like they belong in the digital generation.

Lastly, my iphone has the video capabilities. Capabilities of what? you say. And I say: videos. I always loved videos when I was a kid. I loved to take them out of their case and stick them in the vcr. That was before the digital generation, when all devices involved sticking something into something else. But even though that wasin the past, I do remember it fondly. Now the iphone combines the best of both worlds: the past and the ipod! Now I can stick all my old video tapes into my iphone, to watch them wherever I want. And you'd think watching the videos on such a small screen would be a problem. It's not. What's a problem is my small penis.

All in all the phone is a great invention, allowing me to talk to people that I can't even see, or that I can see, but from far away so they look as tiny as a thimble. I think the phone brings us together, as a society, and allows us to talk to each other. In that sense, you could call the phone a "communication device" because it helps you check things that are from other peoples mouth devices all over the world.

One last thing: phonepod helps give you access to the news. and here's the thing about news: it's fresh every day. It's like the gift that keeps on giving. Like the iphone: the other gift that keeps on giving.

Keep up the good work, apple.com. I love the pods and also the friendly pods.


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