a helping hand
some people have a hard time spelling our name so to help you, it's:
"T-H-E unctuous I-D dot blog S-P-O-T.C-O-M"
Sincerely, Theo
"You can tell a man is cool from his sunglasses,
But you can tell a man is wise if he wears those really cool sunglasses"
-Ngugi Gershowitz
"Words are like sunbeams. And also, they are like this motherfucking splinter... "
-E.B. White (while picking at a splinter)
"Thank you for not stealing from my store"
"T-H-E unctuous I-D dot blog S-P-O-T.C-O-M"
Sincerely, Theo
"You can tell a man is cool from his sunglasses,
But you can tell a man is wise if he wears those really cool sunglasses"
-Ngugi Gershowitz
"Words are like sunbeams. And also, they are like this motherfucking splinter... "
-E.B. White (while picking at a splinter)
"Thank you for not stealing from my store"
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