15 January 2006

Inquiry Conc. "Pedophilia etc." (who what where)

May we venture back.

If you would please, as we will now refer to the following item:


And shall wonder...What could it mean? Also who wrote it.

Note that, there stated, in the title, quote" "no one else would publish this piece of brilliance." Now, we must not ignore the fact that the "piece" of "brilliance" WAS in fact published, by none other than that abominable institution Unctuous Id. We must wonder how such an occurence came to be.

We must also question the viability of the statement that this "piece" is, as stated by its author (unknown), in fact as "brilliant" as he/she makes it out to be. I suppose it is up to the reader. I can find no qualms with the piece save that perhaps I object to the author's tone, which aperecates (*appears?) to partake of the pompous.

I am groaning under the weight of a great deal of strain. Why do I find myself to be such an ineloquent shithead? (?)

signed: Golpe The Literate(male)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How pomo.

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the fuck are you. How dare you insult my talent. I will smite you. Why am I so sad? I am awful and untalented. I long for Chunky Monkey.

10:12 PM  

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