13 January 2006

Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Scene one:

Claudio: Has anyone seen my nail trimmers?

Hamlet: Your what?

Claudio: My nail trimmers.

Hamlet: Oh! Are your nails getting long?

Claudio: Yeah. I mean, not really, but I'd like to keep them at bay. You know?

Hamlet: I do.

Claudio: That's a good feeling. You know? To have an understanding.

Hamlet: God, yeah. (laughs)

Claudio: (laughs)

Scene Two:

Mercutio: I'm making risotto.

Hamlet: I don't like Risotto, but I guess you didn't know that so whatever.

Mercutio: I can't quite...what do you mean you don't like risotto? You don't? What IS that?

Hamlet: It's just something I don't like. It's one of those things. Don't take it personally, that's so inconvenient.

Mercutio: You can't just for one night forget about how much you hate risotto and respect my labor?

Hamlet: I was going to eat it anyway!

Mercutio: Oh...Really?

Hamlet: Yes!

Mercutio: Oh that's great! Oh, god, I'm sorry to cause you any trouble.

Hamlet: It's nothing.

Scene three

Ophelia: I found a turtle.

Hamlet: is it green?

Ophelia: It's brown.

Hamlet: Ah, shit.

Scene four

Claudio: Has any one seen my turtle?

Ophelia: This turtle?

Claudio: Is it brown?

Ophelia: Sort of.

Claudio: Oh yeah that's him. Oh, wonderful

(turtle is transferred)

Ophelia: I'll miss you, turtle.

Hamlet: Oh Ophelia, we must move on.

Ophelia: You're right.

Scene five

Mercutio: Oh sweet innocence. I think I'll start a garden.

Hamlet: Have you got the green thumb?

Mercutio: (laughs) We'll see!

Scene six

Gertrude: Hamlet, can you make me a little something for breakfast.

Hamlet: Do you like eggs?

Gertrude: I love eggs, dear.

Hamlet: I'll cook you up a little smackerel of something then.

Gertrude: Thank you so much.

Hamlet: It's nothing.

Scene seven

(Hamlet on the phone)

Hamlet: Yeah...No...like, black leather, it's got photos in it. Some credit cards. I've been looking all over town...Yes, I realize...OH did you find it? Is the money still in it? It is! Oh. Oh, wonderful. I'll be right over.

(Hamlet hangs up phone)

Scene Eight

Claudio: Hamlet, I never loved your mother.

Hamlet: My who?

The End


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I especially enjoyed Scene 2-- the pathos was heartbreaking.


9:11 AM  
Blogger jensy said...

mmm how original

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you both. Very very much.
P.S. Gertrude is such a tool.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, on the other hand, only love one of you. You'll have to fight to the death to find out who!

3:49 PM  

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