07 October 2006

ode to bird

I know you think you're cool, bird, I know that
but you're not cool, or not nearly cool enough
to walk around like you do all like I'm cool,
bird. No.

No, you're not cool at all and you're barely cool, and
you're cool if cool means lame, then you're cool.

But where I come from cool means cool
so where I come from you're not cool,
You're lame.

You think you're cool, bird, but you're just a bird.
What good is a bird? A bird is barely good.
A bird is good for flying and feeding.
A bird is good for eating, and if its a good bird, it's good
for feasting, but you're not that kind of bird, are you, bird?
You're not a juicy meat bird, bird.
You're just a bird and I'm sick of your shit.


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