03 April 2007

The Story of PASSOVER

Passover is a holy Jewish holiday. It refers to the "overpass" that God slept under when He was a hobo for thirty days and forty nights. He then put, like, four plagues on the bullies. Here are some of the five plagues:

1. Being not cool (not getting asked to prom)
2. Getting Purple Nurples
3. Getting Green Nurples (this is worse)
4. Eating poop-cakes (this is more bad than the Purple Nurple but less bad than the Green Nurple)
5. Dying
6. Being in a play and forgetting all your lines

Some say the seven plagues were bad and then the bullies let the Jews out of the lockers. I say they're wrong: there were eight plagues.


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Dear Megan,
I like your blog.

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