05 December 2006


There are a lot of things I get angry at. Mostly the English language. Also, Hitler. But really when you think about it, WHAT'S UP WITH WORDS?! Words are crazy!

Nowadays, people keep adding "e" to the beginning of everything. "eMail." "eCommerce." "eLizabethan eNgland." Back in my day, we didn't add letters to words. We used words JUST THE WAY GOD MADE THEM.

And what's up with librarians? Just because they work in a library they're automatically called "librarians"? Think of how crazy the world would be if everyone's profession was named after where they worked. Does that mean we should call everyone who works at a politicia a "politician"? NO. THAT WOULD BE CRAZY.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

word up homie

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

politicia? does such a place EVEN EXIST???

9:20 AM  

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