31 January 2006

Where Est My Flab?

Where est my flab?
Est it here?

Est it there?

Where est my flab?
Where est my flab?

I had once, a full flab.
It flabbed here.
It flabbed there.
I called it "Stalin" and he were my only friend.

But now my flab est gone.
Where est it gone?
Est it gone high?

Est it gone low?

Where est it gone?
My flab was so good to me.
It would read to me,
and we would talk late into the night.
He was so much more than a flab.
Perhaps he est been stolen.
Perhaps he est been hidden from view.

Where est you hidden, flab?
Est you hidden in this box?

Est you hidden in this three ring binder?

Est a tragic moment in the history of flab.
Est the absence of flab.
Est the tragedy of flab.

Est the flab watching us?
Est you watching, flab?


The End.


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