15 March 2006

failed cancrines

Definition of Cancrine

So patient a doctor to doctor a patient's toe.

Toe patient a doctor to doctor a patient's tree.

So patent a doctor to patent a doctor so.

So patent a patent to doctor a patella's toe.

So parent a patient to patent a doctor's glow.

Woe, present the patient to the doctor with the gift of present woe.

Lo, did lent begin or doctor on my woe?

So patient a dripper to plunger a patient so.

So latent a dickler to trickle a dickler's toe.

So whinsome a ladle to walk a patella's toe.

No gurdles in Dock-ick will Kickdock a durgle trowl.

Lo, was it the needle that wheedled the wiffled blow?

So dapper a locker to locker a dapper Woe.

So whinsome a gurdle to doctor a patient's toe.

So treebing a slapper to wingle a bingtree's doe.

So patella will wander and patella will do it so.


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